*Copy of self-owned property certificate shall be submitted; leasing agreement original and property certificate copy of the lessor shall be submitted for residential leasing.
*有关房屋未取得房屋产权证的,属城镇房屋的,提交房地产管理部门的证明或者竣工验收证明、购房合同及房屋销售许可证复印件;属非城镇房屋的,提交当地政府规定的相关证明。*As for relevant urban properties without housing ownership certificate, the copies of certificate issued by the real estate authorities or completion acceptance certificate, purchase contract and housing sales permit shall be submitted; as for relevant non-urban properties without housing ownership certificate, relevant certificates prescribed by the local government shall be submitted.
*If a hotel or restaurant is rented out by the lessor, copies of the business license of the hotel or restaurant shall be submitted.
*If the military properties are used as the domiciles, copies of the Leasing License of Military Properties shall be submitted.
*If urban residential houses are modified for business purposes as per Article 48 of Regulations of Chengdu Municipality on Property Management, the owner or user shall use the houses according to the usage approved by the planning authorities or stated in the registration book of real estate, and shall not modify its nature of usage.
*If the nature of usage shall be modified where necessary, such modification shall be approved by the owners of interest other than compliance with relevant laws, regulations and management statutes; and shall also be approved by the competent authorities in charge of planning, national land resources, health, environmental protection and fire fighting as per relevant laws. As for non-urban residential houses, relevant certificates prescribed by the local government shall be submitted.
*If the leasing agreement is signed by and between its parent company and the lessor, the parent company is required to illustrate that the house is used as business premises of its subsidiary.
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